June 22, 2021 European Business Council in Japan Flash Survey Impact of the entry ban on European companies and their Japanese partners
The entry restrictions imposed by the Japanese government on foreign non-residents since January 2021 seem to have negative economic impacts on foreign and Japanese businesses and the economy in Japan.
The EBC has been actively advocating this issue through various meetings with the Japanese authorities and by publishing on May 28 a joint statement with the ACCJ, the ANZCCJ and the CCCJ.
To better evaluate the real impact of the entry restrictions on European businesses and use the results for advocacy purposes, the EBC is launching a flash survey targeting European businesses in Japan. The more companies that take part in the survey, the more representative the results become, hence more useful. We therefore hope for your cooperation and support!
The survey is accessible through this link: https://fr.surveymonkey.com/r/CXQM8SK
From Tuesday June 15 to July 7.
Thank you in advance for filling it!
The EBC Team