EBC Newsletter – October 2, 2024

EBC Newsletter – October 2, 2024


From the EBC

Dear Friends of the EBC,

On 27 September, the EBC Automotive Components and Aftermarket Committee, in collaboration with McKinsey and with the support of the German Chamber of Commerce, hosted a highly engaging event focused on the transformative role of Generative AI (GenAI) in the automotive industry. In his opening remarks, Christian Seidel, Chair of the Committee, provided an insightful introduction to the committee’s initiatives and outlined the agenda for the evening. This set the stage for an in-depth exploration of how GenAI is reshaping the sector.
Jeff Galvin from McKinsey followed with an impactful presentation on GenAI’s potential to revolutionize the automotive industry, showcasing real-world examples of its application as a sales support tool. He highlighted both the successes and the operational challenges that companies have encountered during implementation.
Building on these insights, Matt McDevitt, also from McKinsey, delved deeper into the tangible benefits of GenAI. He emphasized its ability to streamline workflows by drastically reducing the time sales and engineering teams spend on routine, non-essential tasks. Despite these advantages, he also noted that unresolved challenges, particularly around intellectual property rights, remain a critical area of concern.
The event concluded with Christian Seidel inviting attendees to continue the discussion in a more informal setting at a nearby venue, fostering further networking and knowledge sharing.

Christian Seidel, Chair of the EBC Automotive Components and Aftermarket Committee; Jeff Galvin, McKinsey; Matt McDevitt, McKinsey

The Embassy of Switzerland in Japan and the SCCIJ are pleased to announce the 2024 edition of the Switzerland – Japan Economic Forum, supported by Keidanren and WIRED JAPAN. Titled “Biodiversity in Crisis: How Can We Drive the Transformation Towards Regenerative Economies?”, this year’s Economic Forum seeks to enhance awareness and understanding of biodiversity loss, its impact and the urgent need for action to regenerate nature and increase resilience. It brings together business, academic and government leaders from Switzerland and Japan to discuss how we can drive the critical transformation to a nature-positive economy. The Forum aims to showcase recent initiatives, demonstrate opportunities, inspire the research of innovative solutions and stimulate action.
Registration closes today!

We look forward to connecting with you soon!

Valerie Moschetti
EBC Chief Operating Officer

For more updates and information, please visit our website

What’s in the Media

  • East Japan Railway Co. plans to develop a cargo-only car—and possibly an entire train—for its Shinkansen services to increase freight transportation capacities, offering a speedy and expanded delivery service. JR East, which operates the Tohoku, Joetsu and Hokuriku Shinkansen lines, is considering incorporating around two cargo-only cars into a train, company sources said.  (The Asahi Shimbun)
  • The Japan Fair Trade Commission (JFTC) has decided to launch a fact-finding survey on the generative artificial intelligence market. Some are concerned about the impact of generative AI on domestic firms, as U.S. IT giants and other firms are increasingly sequestering the data, semiconductors, human resources and other resources necessary for its development. The aim is to identify antimonopoly regulation issues at an early stage and promote healthy market competition. (The Japan News)
  • Retailers are constructing wooden buildings in Kyushu because the manufacturing of the building materials is more environmentally friendly in terms of carbon dioxide emissions than is the case with reinforced concrete or steel-frame buildings. Some firms are aiming to build similar structures nationwide based on the model cases in Kyushu, where forestry is thriving. (The Japan News)

Upcoming EBC Committee Meetings

Date Committee Time / Location
Oct 11 (Fri) Railways Hybrid
Oct 17 (Thu) Insurance Hybrid
Oct 17 (Thu) Human Resources Hybrid
Oct 17 (Thu) Medical Equipment & Diagnostics Off-site
Oct 22 (Tue) Food & Agriculture Hybrid
Nov 8 (Fri) Railways Hybrid
Nov 14 (Thu) Medical Equipment & Diagnostics Off-site
Nov 21 (Thu) Human Resources Hybrid

If you are interested in joining a committee meeting, please contact the EBC to confirm the time and meeting place.

Stakeholders of the EBC:

European Business Council JAPAN
Toranomon Hills Business Tower 15F, 1-17-1 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-6415
105-6415 東京都港区虎ノ門1-17-1 虎ノ門ヒルズビジネスタワー15階