June 15, 2020 EBC Briefings – Impacts on Businesses caused by the Limitations on Re-Entering Japan for Non-Japanese Citizens June 19, 5:00pm-6:30pm
This year, COVID-19 has radically affected freedom of circulation. With the World Health Organization declaring the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic, several countries have been revising their entry policies.
Japan currently has a ban on the entry of non-Japanese nationals who have visited, for instance, Europe within 14 days prior to entering Japan. While the EU has similar restrictions, it exempts legal residents of Europe, independent of nationality, meaning that Japanese nationals residing in the EU can enter.
Not being able to re-enter Japan puts great strain on foreigners working in Japan and companies, as some of their employees cannot leave Japan and come back, except in special circumstances. On May 15, the European Business Council in Japan (EBC) issued a statement on the limitations for non-Japanese nationals to re-enter Japan as it believes there is no rational and scientific reason for treating residents differently based on nationality.
In this EBC Briefing (webinar), we will get an overview of the current situation and hear from the European private sector pointing out damages to businesses and to the Japanese economy.
We will also have the honour to welcome a special guest, Mr. Christopher J. LaFleur, Chairman, American Chamber of Commerce in Japan, who will share with us his remarks on this issue.
N.B.: This meeting will be held under the Chatham House rule.
1/ Overview of the current situation on the re-entry ban in Japan for non-Japanese nationals
- Mr. Ulrich Kirchhoff, Attorney-at-Law, Partner of ARQIS Foreign Law Office
- Francesco Fini, Minister-Deputy Head of the EU Delegation
2/ Impact on foreign businesses in Japan and for the Japanese economy
- Mr. Donald Bunkenburg, Senior Director for Japan and Korea, Lufthansa Group
- Mr. Claus Eilersen, Advisor and Executive Consultant for several companies in the Healthcare sector – pharma, biotech, medical devices
- Special guest: Mr. Christopher J. LaFleur, Chairman, ACCJ
3/ Q & A
To register, please send an email to: [email protected] – If you have questions prior to the webinar, kindly send them when you register.
Webinar tool: ZOOM (The access link will be sent before the event on June 19)