November 07, 2019 EBC HR Seminar – Work Style Reform
On 7 November the EBC HR Committee arranged a seminar on the recent changes to the Labour Standard Act. This seminar was organised in cooperation with the Tokyo Employment Consultation Center. Kaoro Kurata of the Center went through both the background and the changes to the legislation.
The work style reform, which is actually amendments to eight different labour related laws, is a combination of legislations but also guidelines. There are also differences depending on the size of the company where bigger companies need to implement changes sooner while smaller companies have a longer implementation period. The audience received a detailed presentation on how work hours including overtime needs to be monitored and controlled. Flexi time has also been given a greater role in promoting a healthier work/life balance.
For presentation materials and other useful materials please see below documents and links.
(Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare website)
TECC Booklets
① Employment Guidelines
② key points of Labor Related laws
③ Explanations of Labor-related Laws
Introduction of TECC for EBC in Japan
How to Deal with Latest Revisions to Labour Standards Act in Work Style Reform