Ease of Compliance and User-friendliness

A regulation is more effective when it is straightforward to comply with, user-friendly from the perspectives of consumers and industry, and enforceable.


  • Exclusion of products with Lot Codes/special symbols removed/tampered with overseas we propose that imported products whose original lot codes have been tampered with or removed be restricted from sale at the point of importation. This would allow for improved traceability and consumer safety outcomes, stronger brand protection for imported products and ensure parity in treatment between domestically produced alcoholic beverages and imported ones.
  • Consumer experience there is no need to develop a new, alternative system for the Japanese market. One effective way to facilitate this information sharing with consumers is through digital labelling, which would allow manufacturers to provide relevant and tailored information to consumers.
We affirm our Committee’s strong commitment to a close partnership with the NTA, including by facilitating regular feedback with our members’ business. Indeed, the EBC remains grateful for the opportunity to participate in legislative consultations and to subsequently communicate policy decisions to the business community.