Supporting BASA negotiation between EU and Japan
Some progress
The EBC welcomes the signature on June 22, 2020 of the BASA between the European Aviation Safety Agency and its Japanese counterpart, the Japan Civil Aviation Bureau. Such an agreement will enhance air safety worldwide and enable cooperation in the aviation safety domain, including certification, testing and maintenance of aeronautical components, air operations, flight crew licensing, air traffic management and airports. It will also reduce the transaction cost of exporting aircrafts, while ensuring high levels of safety in partner countries and helping to harmonise product standards worldwide. Despite the signature of this agreement between Japan and Europe, its ratification remains to be achieved.
- With the entry into force of the BASA, the EU and Japan now need to add additional activities, such as, maintenance, spare parts and training activities to the BASA. These segments are currently not included in the agreement and the EBC believes that the inclusion of these segments would be beneficial to both the European and Japanese aeronautical industries.