Harmonisation of spectrum for IMT (IMT-Advanced and IMT-2020/5G)

The EBC is pleased that MIC has been working to ensure additional spectrum allocation bands to address the increasing demand for mobile broadband and emerging new use cases of the vertical industries. The EBC recognises that MIC has allocated spectrum bands (3.7 GHz, 4.5 GHz and 28 GHz bands) for IMT-2020 in April 2019, additional band (2.3GHz) in April 2022, and in a process to allocate 4.9GHz band in 2024.


  • Japan should continue working for globally or regionally harmonised spectrum allocations for mobile use.
  • Japan should observe the outcomes of Agenda Item 1.2 of WRC-23, especially 6425-7125MHz which is identified for Region 1 and some countries in Region 2 and 3.
  • Japan should engage actively in Agenda Item 1.7 of WRC-27.