EBC Newsletter – May 15, 2024

EBC Newsletter – May 15, 2024


From the EBC

Dear Friends of the EBC,

On 8 May, we attended a conference featuring Mr. Kazuo Ueda, Governor of the Bank of Japan, who gave a speech on the “Virtuous Cycle between Wages and Prices and the Bank of Japan’s Monetary Policy”. The event was organised by the Yomiuri International Economic Society (YIES). Several times a year, it invites leading figures from Japan and abroad to give lectures. Details of this lecture was published in The Japan News, the English-language newspaper published by the Yomiuri Shimbun.

Kazuo Ueda

Every year on 9 May, Europe Day celebrates peace and unity in Europe. This year marks the 74th anniversary of Robert Schuman’s declaration, in which he put forward the idea of a new form of political cooperation in Europe to prevent war between European nations.
The EBC team was present to listen to European Ambassador Jean-Eric Paquet’s speech, celebrating five decades of EU-Japan friendship.
This wonderful evening gave us the opportunity to catch up with colleagues from the European Delegation, our various Japanese and foreign contacts, and to meet many potential new partners.

Laurent Depus, Ambassador Paquet, Valerie Moschetti, Bjorn Kongstad

The EBC HR Committee meets monthly (next meeting on 23 May at 9:30 at the EBC office). It is made up of HR representatives from various EBC companies. If you are a member of one of the European National Chambers in Japan that are part of the EBC and are interested in learning more about HR challenges and regulations, this committee is for you! To join and enrich the discussions, please express your interest by sending us an email. Your participation is vital, especially in light of the current labour shortage in Japan and the Japanese government’s proactive efforts to increase salaries. These pressing issues provide ample material for meaningful discussions within the Committee.

On 28 May (14:00-17:00 at the EBC), the EBC Sustainability Committee will offer you a unique opportunity to learn about climate change and spark action with the Climate Fresk. This interactive experience uses science-based cards and collective intelligence to foster understanding, ignite innovative solutions, and empower teams to become changemakers. Shalyn Wilkins and Chris Lucas, who are cycling across Asia and leading Climate Fresk workshops along the way, will be your facilitators for this exclusive session. Space is limited to 14 participants, so register quickly! Send your name, company and position to [email protected].

Finally, I encourage you to attend:

A webinar jointly organised by the Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI) and Bruegel, a European think tank on CBAM and carbon pricing: creating a fair path to climate stabilization”  (22 May, 19:30-21:00). The event will look at the EU’s Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism, its economic effects on trading partners, and how the EU can better cooperate with other parties on carbon pricing.
-The 20th edition of the BLCCJ flagship “Delighting Customers in Japan” business seminar on 3 June at the CCIFJ event space.

The EBC team is looking forward to hearing from you soon!

Valerie Moschetti
EBC Chief Operating Officer

What’s in the Media

  • The government has decided to formulate a new national strategy that includes a path for decarbonization and industrial policy toward 2040. The government will promote related investments and strengthen the competitiveness of domestic industries by establishing a long-term industrial policy as the “2040 vision for green transformation.” (The Japan News)
  • Japan’s parliament has enacted legislation to establish a “security clearance” system, allowing critical government information to be classified on economic security grounds to prevent leaks to overseas entities. Under the legislation, the government would be able to designate information as classified if it deems that its dissemination could undermine Japan’s national security and make it accessible only to individuals who have passed background checks. (Japan Today)
  • A proposed legal amendment that would allow permanent residence permits to be revoked if foreign residents in Japan intentionally fail to pay taxes and social insurance premiums has become a point of contention in the Diet discussions, with the government unable to answer a question posed by an opposition legislator. (The Mainichi)

Upcoming EBC Committee Meetings

Date Committee Time / Location
May 23 (Thu) Human Resources Hybrid
May 23 (Thu) Medical Equipment & Diagnostics Off-site
June 5 (Wed) Liquor Hybrid
June 10 (Mon) Materials Hybrid
June 20 (Thu) Insurance Hybrid
June 20 (Thu) Human Resources Hybrid
June 20 (Thu) Telecommunications Equipment Hybrid
June 21 (Fri) Medical Equipment & Diagnostics Off-site
June 21 (Fri) Railways Hybrid

If you are interested in joining a committee meeting, please contact the EBC to confirm the time and meeting place.

Stakeholders of the EBC:

European Business Council JAPAN
Toranomon Hills Business Tower 15F, 1-17-1 Toranomon, Minato-ku, Tokyo 105-6415
105-6415 東京都港区虎ノ門1-17-1 虎ノ門ヒルズビジネスタワー15階