Connectivity related (including automated driving)
Concerning the certification of CS/SU management system compliance , which was a prerequisite for applying for SU permission for vehicles in use, which we requested since last year, the authorities responded in a timely manner so that we could utilize the CS/SU management system compliance certificate obtained from overseas authorities. We appreciate it. However, we believe that it would be desirable to further streamline the procedures for the SU permit system for vehicles in use.
MIC has begun to acquire the 5.9GHz band, which is used in Europe and North America as an ITS frequency. Though it is necessary to formulate by 2030 a new communication method in addition to the existing 760MHz ITS, the method, which has a large impact on vehicle development is unclear, as it also relates ETC using DSRC.
- To enable quick market actions and improve convenience for consumers, the government should review the rationalization of permit application procedures for specified modifications to registered vehicles. Japan should decide on the ITS communication method as soon as possible through international cooperation.