
貴社は日本での商取引上何らかの障害に直面しておりませんか。対日貿易,投資の商環境を改善するため日本政府にロビー運動することをお望みでありませんか。 議題作成手続きに参加を希望いたしませんか。政治以外の方法で目的を同じくする企業と関心を共有しあうことをお求めになりませんか。このことからEBCに入会することをお考えになりませんか。


  • 日欧サミット,日EU経済連携協定(EPA)交渉などの政治フォーラムで取り上げられた課題に取り組む。
  • 貴社の産業分野と同じ分野の企業と市場,商環境関連の情報を分かち合う。
  • EBCの旗の下中立的立場で日本政府や行政改革機関と連携する。
  • 日本において欧州企業の拡大化を図る。
  • その他の企業,団体とのネットワークを形成する。
  • 改革に積極的に関わる


  • Application in any category for membership of an EBC Committee is subject to formal approval by the EBC Board of Directors and the relevant Committee Chairman.

EBC Corporate Affiliates

To become a member of our committees:

EBC Fee Structure

Membership Category

Fee (JPY)

Stakeholder members (member of one of the 15 national chambers of commerce)
Companies with more than 1,000 employees worldwide


Companies with more than 250 employees worldwide


Companies with less than 250 employees worldwide


Non-European Companies
Non-European Companies with European interests who do not belong to any Stakeholder


European Companies
European Companies that are resident in Japan and are members of a European National Chamber of Commerce or European Recognised Business Organisation in Japan that is not a stakeholder of the EBC


If you are a Member of one of the 15 National Chambers of Commerce

Annual Dues for companies with more than 1000 employees worldwide: JPY175,500
Annual Dues for companies with more than 250 employees worldwide: JPY130,000
Annual Dues for companies with less than 250 employees worldwide: JPY65,000

  • Includes membership in one Committee and the right to register an unlimited number of Additional Members in other Committees at no additional cost
  • Company name included on the Digital EBC White Paper Website
  • Company will receive the EBC newsletter and announcements distributed by e-mail and can attend all EBC events
  • Company will receive voting rights within its sector Committee and the right to stand for office [within such Committee].
Non-European Companies – Annual Dues: JPY260,000

For non-European Companies with European interests who do not belong to any Stakeholder.

  • Includes membership in one Committee and the right to register an unlimited number of Additional Members in other Committees at no additional cost
  • Company name included on the Digital EBC White Paper Website
  • Company will receive the EBC newsletter and announcements distributed by e-mail and can attend all EBC events
  • Company does not receive voting rights within the Committee
  • Company is not eligible to take up any office within the Committee
European Companies – Annual Dues: JPY260,000

For European Companies that are resident in Japan and are members of a European National Chamber of Commerce or European Recognised Business Organisation in Japan that is not a stakeholder of the EBC.

  • Includes membership in one Committee and the right to register an unlimited number of Additional Members in other Committees for a discounted 50% of the annual fee per each extra committee (currently ¥50,000)
  • Company name included on the Digital EBC White Paper Website
  • Company will receive the EBC newsletter and announcements distributed by e-mail and can attend all EBC events
  • Company does not receive voting rights within the Committee.
  • Company is not eligible to take up any office within the Committee.


Why supporting The European Business Council in Japan?

The mission of the EBC is mainly advocacy and lobbying on behalf of the European National Chambers of Commerce in Japan and for the EBC-affiliated companies. The EBC specialises in Japanese government relations and public affairs and offers a full range of government relations and related services. It issues monitoring, in-depth intelligence and strategic outreach reports, and works on public affairs campaigns and strategic support for public tenders / public-sector sales.

The EBC offers 6 categories of sponsorship

Depending on the categories they choose, the Sponsors will be able to get:

  • Membership to the EBC
  • Participation to the EBC sectoral committees
  • Their logo on the EBC website (homepage and/or dedicated sponsors’ web page, on the Digital EBC White Paper Website)
  • Their logo/name on the EBC White Paper printout and/or EBC Digital White Paper webpage or EBC White Paper A4 hard cover
    • What is the White Paper?
      The 22 sectoral EBC committees produce every year the White Paper, a series of recommendation to the Japanese government. It is a direct channel to the Japanese Government officials and politicians, which gives you the opportunity to have your voice heard.
    • Today, this document is digital and regularly update. Everybody can print it for free on our website. When we meet Authorities, we present them an A4 hard cover with a QR code linked to our Digital White Paper website.
  • Their company banner/information material/keynote speaker at the EBC Briefings
    • What is an EBC Briefing?
      It is a public conference, generally held at the EU Delegation and followed or not by a networking cocktail. It is organised by committees’ clusters 4 times a year, one of which featuring the public launch of the year’s White Paper.



EBC PINNACLE SPONSOR – Annual Dues: JPY900,000


  • One-year free membership to EBC (value up to 135,000 yen) + free participation to all EBC sectoral committees
  • Rotating company logo on EBC homepage + on the dedicated sponsors’ web page for 12 months (big size)
  • White Paper (WP) sponsorship:
    • company logo in colour on single-logo page on WP print out (back of report)
    • company logo on the A4 hard cover (colour, big size, on the right side)
  • Sponsorship of all the 4 EBC Briefings:
    • possibility of displaying company logo on the invitation
    • possibility of displaying on-site company banners/products of information
    • possibility to be included, if wished, among the keynote speakers
  • Company logo on each EBC Newsletter (big size, at the bottom)


EBC GOLDSTAR SPONSOR – Annual Dues: JPY500,000


  • One-year free membership to EBC (value up to 135,000 yen) + free participation to all EBC sectoral committees
  • Rotating company logo on EBC homepage + on the dedicated sponsors’ web page for 12 months (middle size)
  • White Paper (WP) sponsorship:
    • company logo in colour on two-logo page on WP print out (back of report)
    • company logo on the A4 hard cover (colour, middle size, on the right side)
  • Sponsorship of 2 EBC Briefings:
    • possibility of displaying company logo on the invitation
    • possibility of displaying on-site company banners/products of information
    • possibility to be included, if wished, among the keynote speakers
  • Company logo on the EBC Newsletter (middle size, at the bottom), each other month


EBC BLUESTAR SPONSOR – Annual Dues: JPY250,000


  • Logo on EBC dedicated sponsors’ web page for 12 months (small size)
  • White Paper (WP) sponsorship:
    • company logo in colour on three-logo page on WP print out (back of report)
    • company logo on the A4 hard cover (colour, small size, on the right side)
  • Sponsorship of all the 1 EBC Briefings:
    • possibility of displaying company logo on the invitation
    • possibility of displaying on-site company banners/products of information
  • Company logo on the EBC Newsletter (small size, at the bottom), each Quarter


EBC SPECIAL SPONSOR – Annual Dues: JPY150,000


  • Logo on EBC dedicated sponsors’ web page for 12 months (small size)
  • White Paper (WP) sponsorship:
    • company logo in black & white on five-logo page on WP print out (back of report)
  • Company logo on the EBC Newsletter (small size, at the bottom), once a year


EBC SPONSOR – Annual Dues: JPY50,000


  • White Paper (WP) sponsorship:
    • company name on ten-name page on WP print out (back of report)




  • company name on thirty-name page on WP print out (back of report)




Tel: +81-3-6807-5931
Email: vmoschetti@ebc-jp.com