2024年1月31日 2024年度ホワイトペーパー発表イベント(2月29日)
イベントレポート: pdf
Please come to our upcoming event to launch the 2024 EBC White Paper on 29 February from 16:00 to 17:30 at the EU Delegation in Tokyo
The White Paper, the cornerstone product of the EBC, is a meticulous compilation of the challenges faced by its members. It is regularly updated and available on the EBC website, ensuring that stakeholders are kept abreast of the latest developments.
The event promises valuable insights from five distinguished industry representatives. This is a unique opportunity to hear first-hand from experts not only about the challenges facing European industry in Japan, but also about the recommendations proposed to address these issues. The White Paper serves as a powerful advocacy tool to influence improvements in the Japanese regulatory framework.
To register, please email: [email protected]