Dear Friends of the EBC,
2020’s Golden Week has a strange perfume: with many holidays in a row, this period in Japan is traditionally marked by an increase in travels, but recommendations to stay at home seem to be widely respected here as in other parts of the world.
Vicente J. Luna’s study shows it clearly. Vicente, a digital marketing expert who analyses big data, shares with us very interesting results on the evolution of mobility trends and social distancing in Japan and the EU in the coronavirus context.
As you know, the supply of vital medical equipment has recently been put under strain. That’s why the EBC,the ACCJ, AdvaMed, AMDD, EFPIA and PhRMA have issued a Joint statement on Air Transport of Critical Medicines and Supplies to suggest a number of measures that would make it easier for medical supplies to reach its intended market in a timely manner.
You may have heard that the European Business Council in Japan recently underwent some of the biggest structural and aesthetic changes since its foundation in 1972. Michael Mroczek, president of the Board,explains how it is now more agile, responsive and communicative than ever before.
We wish you an excellent and safe Golden Week and hope you stay healthy during this difficult and unprecedented time!
Valerie Moschetti
EBC Chief Operating Officer