2021年6月30日 EBC Briefing (online)
2021 Tax reform – Digitalisation and greening of the economy
8 July, 16:00
With the 2021 tax reform, Japan will implement tax policies in line with the 2050 carbon neutrality target and the digitisation of the economy.
The EBC is fortunate to be able to organise a tax event with METI as presenters. The seminar will hopefully offer plenty of opportunities for you to better understand how your company can take advantage of the tax incentives offered by the new tax policies. As mentioned above, the two main topics of the day will be:
- Carbon neutrality investment schemes
- Digital transformation
The event will be held virtually on 8 July from 16:00, in Japanese. The presentation material will however be both in English and Japanese.
Deputy Director Shohei Hiroyama from the Industry Creation Policy Division will give the presentation (tbc).
Please register by sending an email to: [email protected] with “EBC tax event” in the subject line.
Links to access the event will be sent out a day or two before the event to those that have registered.
If you already have questions, do let us know in advance and we will make certain that these are addressed.