Clarification of unprofitable products (measures to ensure stable supply)
Medical Equipmentstatus:
NewFor unprofitable requests, selection requirements and standards are not clear, and it is difficult for companies to submit unprofitable requests.
Treatment of the cost accounting method
Medical Equipmentstatus:
NewBase material prices for newly listed products are, in principle, calculated by the similar function comparison method. However, if the price is 0.5 times or less of the foreign average price, from the viewpoint of stable supply, there is a system for applying for calculation using the cost calculation method. However, since there is no foreign price for products that have not yet been released in foreign countries, this rule is not applicable.
Shelf-life and sustainability
Food & Agriculturestatus:
NewWhile this issue is not based on any law or regulation, food products or beverages that do not have at least 2/3 left of the shelf-life when reaching the supermarkets, or any other retail outlet, are difficult to sell. This means that European products that due to distance have to be transported for a relatively longer period of time are more difficult to sell. It is also true for domestic products, that when reaching end of shelf-life are often discarded despite being OK for consumption. This does, unfortunately, lead to food waste. The EBC believe that the authorities have a responsibility to better promote sustainability in the food and beverage sector.