December 10, 2008 European Business Council (EBC) in Japan elects Tommy Kullberg as new Chairman
European Business Council (EBC) in Japan elects Tommy Kullberg as new Chairman....
European Business Council (EBC) in Japan elects Tommy Kullberg as new Chairman....
"ECONOMIC INTEGRATION: THE NEW REFORM PARADIGM – The EBC Report on the Japanese Business Environment 2008", was issued at a luncheon at the Hotel Okura in Tokyo....
"ECONOMIC INTEGRATION: A NEW APPROACH TO REFORM – The EBC Report on the Japanese Business Environment 2007" – was issued at a luncheon at the Westin Hotel in Tokyo....
The EBC airline committee issued a press release related to the aviation liberalisation recommendation in the report of the Council of Economic and Fiscal Policies....
Today marks the 50th Anniversary of the signing of the Treaties of Rome, a key event in the development of the European Union. Click here for further information....
The EBC issued a press release on the occasion of the completion of the EBC White Paper 2006....
The EBC issued a press release expressing concerns over Government of Japan changing position on triangular mergers....
The EBC issued a joint press release expressing concerns about misleading statements appearing in Japanese media reports on the use of stock swaps in merger transactions in Europe....
The EBC and the ACCJ issued a joint press release voicing concerns about reports developing Keidanren policy on limiting triangular mergers....
The EBC issued a press release congratulating Prime Minister Abe on his election and on the inauguration of the new Abe Cabinet....