2020年6月18日 記者会見 ミハエル・ムロチェク、欧州ビジネス協会会頭 『日欧における入国制限緩和』 6月22日(月)11:00-12:00
Michael Mroczek, Chairman of the European Business Council in Japan
11:00-12:00, Monday, June 22, 2020
(The speech and Q & A will be in English)
“Relaxing Entry Bans in Japan and Europe”
As countries around the world cautiously eye reopening and returning to some sort of normality, while trying to control the spread of COVID-19, they must decide who can travel, where and when. Japan has imposed tough travel restrictions in and out of the country, but the rules have upended lives, separated families and caused widespread confusion. How do Japanese travel restrictions compare with those imposed by foreign governments during the present pandemic? Many countries have been stricter with foreign residents than with their own nationals resulting in complaints from those engaged in transborder trade in goods and services. To give some comparative perspective, Michael Mroczek, Chairman of the European Business Council, will come to the Club on June 22.
How to attend: Please register at [email protected] with your name, name of media outlet, FCCJ membership number. Due to space restrictions, please note there will be a limited number of reservations to attend. Doors open at 10:15. Please sign in your name and contact details at the reception with your own pen and to have your temperature taken before proceeding.
How to watch online: https://vimeo.com/429507171
Livestreaming of the press events will be available and video of this event will be uploaded to our FCCJ YouTube channel.
How to ask questions: https://forms.gle/uoFAkpDkxu1iArFT6
Members watching the event online can submit questions for the speakers in advance using this submission form (English only).
TV crew: Please make a reservation at [email protected]. Door open for TV crews only at 10:45. There will be five positions available for livestreaming.
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Professional Activities Committee