IVD (In Vitro Diagnostics)

News –


  • 2024 EBC Medical Equipment/IVD Committee Representative meeting was held on December 12, 2024.(go to News section)
  • Public-private dialogue meeting to create innovative pharmaceuticals, medical devices, regenerative medicine, and other products was held on November 21, 2024.(go to News section)
  • The 22nd Regular Meeting on Approval Review and Safety Measures for Medical Devices and In Vitro Diagnostics was held (2024.10.07) (go to News section)
  • Lecture and information exchange meeting held to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Medical Equipment and IVD Committee (2024.08.22) (go to News section)
  • 2023 EBC Medical Equipment/IVD Committee Representative meeting and information exchange meeting was held on December 7, 2023. (go to News section)
  • Public-private dialogue meeting to create innovative medicines, medical devices, regenerative medicine products, etc. was held on November 13, 2023.  (go to News section
  • A regular opinion exchange meeting was held on September 14, 2023. (go to News section
  • A regular meeting with the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare was held on July 12, 2023.  (go to News section
  • On Thursday 24 August 2023, the EBC Medical Equipment and IVD Committee organised a lecture and information exchange meeting at the Akasaka International Conference in Tokyo.(go to News section
  • Webinar on “German DiGA Process – Update 2022” was held on November 7, 2022. (go to News section)
  • A representative meeting was held on December 9, 2021 (go to News section)
  • On December 15, 2021, the IVD Sub-Committee of the EBC Medical Equipment & Diagnostics Committee, JACRI and AMDD submitted a position paper as the IVD industry which is a proposal on the appropriate implementation system for clinical testing to the relevant departments, including the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare. (go to  News section)

COVID-19, which caused a pandemic for over three years, from December 2019 to 2023, highlighted the extremely important role of In Vitro Diagnostics (IVD) in diagnosing infections, understanding disease conditions, and predicting prognoses. Additionally, the importance of establishing an environment where accurate tests can be supplied and conducted stably was widely recognized.

Taking a helicopter view of the healthcare system in Japan, it is under increasing pressure to overhaul it due to the effects of the ageing society, declining birth rate, and rising national healthcare costs. Serious discussions on the value and role of diagnostics & IVDs are crucial to achieve the Government’s objectives of “improvement of the quality of medical care” and “optimisation of medical costs”. The current COVID-19 pandemic has greatly accelerated the discussion on these elements, not only in the field of medical practices, but also on the governance of the medical systems.

For example, based on the experience with COVID-19, an emergency approval system was introduced under the Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Act in response to outbreaks of emerging infectious diseases, but issues remain regarding the reimbursement system for emerging infectious diseases for which the timing and scale of outbreaks are difficult to predict. It is hoped that a system will be established in the future that will enable necessary tests to be made available to the medical community as quickly and appropriately as possible.

From the perspective of international harmonization, discussions are underway to revise the definition of IVD to include not only disease diagnosis but also prevention and risk assessment. Additionally, there are discussions on standardizing review requirements and improving reliance.

The medical reimbursement system for IVDs has been under discussion since 2007 between the Japanese Promotion Council for Laboratory Testing (JPCLT), IVD industry associations, incl. EBC, and the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (MHLW). EBC acknowledges that these activities influenced the Government’s policy and they led to rise in IVD fees. In addition, the “Act to Partially Amend the Medical Care Act” enacted in 2018 clarified the assurance of quality and accuracy in laboratory testing. Additionally, the revision scheduled for fiscal year 2024 recognized the introduction of marketability evaluation related to the assessment of innovations, as well as a challenge application system.

The clinical application of innovative technologies, such as next-generation sequencing, is rapidly advancing. In the current COVID-19 pandemic, it is re-acknowledged that “Speedy access to novel IVDs” and ‘proper reimbursement for diagnostic tests reflecting the clinical value” are critical elements for improving the quality of medical care and for promptly providing patients with advanced medical care.

Finally, digital health has become an important topic in IVDs. Diagnostic test results are more and more utilised as digital data in variety fields, e.g., diagnosis based on digital images, prediction of prognosis, among others. Under these circumstances, the IVD industry will put more focus on this new field.

The EBC Committee on Medical Devices & IVD and IVD Group will make recommendations for international coordination based on foreign trends. We will, moreover, continue to work with the JPCLT and other IVD industry organisations to contribute to healthcare by promptly introducing and appropriately using laboratory tests of high social and clinical significance, as well as to educate the general public about the value of testing.

Key issues and recommendations

Upcoming committee meeting schedule

Please contact the EBC ( ebc@ebc-jp.com ) to confirm the meeting location prior to attending

January 23 (Thursday)14:30~Off-Site
February 19 (Wednesday)14:30~Off-Site
March 21 (Friday)14:30~Online
April 17 (Thursday)14:30~Off-Site
May 22 (Thursday)14:30~Off-Site
June 19 (Thursday)14:30~Off-Site
July 24 (Thursday)14:30~Off-Site
August 28 (Thursday)14:30~Off-Site
September 18 (Thursday)14:30~Off-Site
October 23 (Thursday)14:30~Off-Site
November 12 (Wednesday)14:30~Off-Site
December 11 (Thursday)14:30~Off-Site


Public-private dialogue meeting to create innovative pharmaceuticals, medical devices, regenerative medicine, and other products was held on November 21, 2024.

  • Proposals (EBC) (EN / JP)
  • Proposals (JACRI / EBC / AMDD) (EN/JP)

The 22nd Regular Meeting on Approval Review and Safety Measures for Medical
Devices and In Vitro Diagnostics was held (2024.10.07)

  • Opinions and Requests (JFMDA/AMDD/EBC) (EN / JP)
  • Opinions and Requests (JFMDA/AMDD/AdvaMed/EBC) (EN/JP)

Lecture and information exchange meeting held to commemorate the 40th anniversary of the founding of the Medical Equipment and IVD Committee (2024.08.22)

  • meeting report (PDF) (EN / JP)

Public-private dialogue meeting to create innovative medicines, medical devices, regenerative medicine products, etc. was held on November 13, 2023.

A regular opinion exchange meeting was held on September 14, 2023.

A regular meeting with the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare was held on July 12, 2023

On Thursday 24 August 2023, the EBC Medical Equipment and IVD Committee organised a lecture and information exchange meeting at the Akasaka International Conference in Tokyo.

  • meeting report (PDF) (EN / JP)


Webinar on “German DiGA Process – Update 2022” was held on November 7, 2022.

On December 15, 2021, the IVD Sub-Committee of the EBC Medical Equipment & Diagnostics Committee, JACRI and AMDD submitted a position paper as the IVD industry which is a proposal on the appropriate implementation system for clinical testing to the relevant departments, including the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare. (臨床検査の適正な実施体制に関する提言書 [pdf]).

The history of clinical testing is also clear.

Recommendation 1: Development of comprehensive monitoring and regulatory laws and regulations for clinical tests to be used in medical care and clinics
We propose the following two points regarding the development of a regulatory and monitoring system specialising in pharmaceuticals and medical devices, as well as in clinical testing aimed at ensuring the analytical validity and clinical validity of clinical testing.

  • Institutionalisation of risk-based review and approval processes and safety measures
  • Institutionalisation of Emergency Use Permits for Clinical Tests Require for Emerging Infectious Diseases

Recommendation 2: Optimisation of Medical Fee Evaluation for Inspection Innovation and Renovation of Evaluation Methods for Existing Inspection Technologies

  • Definition of examination innovation and the introduction of transparency and reasonable evaluation standards based on it
  • Rationalisation of fees for conducting diagnostics for existing testing technologies and items and appropriate distribution of medical resources